Sunday, November 06, 2011

10 Newly Discovered Incredible Species of Animals

The world is full of infinite genus of animals and one life is not enough to explore them. Every year hundreds and thousands of new species are discovered with several differences on their external and internal attributes. The alteration in fauna and flora is observed because of the atmospheric changes according to which breeds of animals transformed themselves for their survival. The International Institute for Species Exploration at Arizona State University published list of important and new findings that they uncovered during the previous year. We have compiled a list of new animals that are recently discovered in this article.

10. Pinocchio frog

This new found frog is also the smallest wallaby in the world and has Pinocchio like nose which is discovered in a remote mountain “lost world”.  This Pinocchio frog is amongst an array of multiple species that are found in the “lost world” and many of them are like cartoon fantasy characters just like this wallaby frog. The males of this genus have a knob on the nose which points upward during vigorous calls and goes back to its normal position when they get calm down.


9. Purple octopus

The native of the coast of Newfoundland Canada is a purple octopus which is identified during expedition off the coast in which 11 new species of sea were found. The team included Canadian and Spanish scientists which used remote operated vehicle in the voyage of sea far down to 3000 meters deep. According to the researchers this 20 day project was aimed to find out relations between cold water coral and other bottom residence creatures in an alien atmosphere however they found 11 new species in this successful trip.


8. Chromodoris Fentoni

The specie also discovered at the Gulf of Mexico is a shell less snail Chromodoris Fentoni and also known as nudibranch. The specimen was first identified in 2009 by a fisherman who donated it to the commission and wildlife research institute in St. Petersburg which later on verified by the Polytechnic University of California state that the specie has never been documented. However it is featured in the 2011 volume of “American Malacological Bulletin”. This shell less snail has external gills and vibrant colors on skin.


7. Tyrant leech king

The tyrannobdella rex or tyrant leech king is a leech which was discovered in nasal mucous membrane of a little girl who lives in Peru. The new specie is different from other insects of the same class as they have single armed jaw with large teeth and measures 2 inches in length. The physical trait of this leech has similarities with Tyrannosaurus rex which is using its teeth to saw into eyes, vagina, rectums and urethras of mammals.



6. Jumping Cockroach

If you are afraid of cockroaches think what will happen when you come across a cockroach with an ability to jump on you? Scared? But they actually exist and found in silvermine nature reserve of South Africa. This unique breed of cockroaches has long and jumpable legs and their ability to hop resembles with grasshopper that can jump far. The last known cockroaches that can jump are its ancestors of Jurassic era that are extinct now.  A common name given to them is leaproach and they belong to blattellidae family of cockroaches.  These leaproaches have a completely modified body with long jumping legs, semi-circular eyes and antenna is also fixed in a different way to get stabilized during jump.

5. Walter’s Duiker

Erik Verheyen, Gontran Sonet and Zoltán T. Nagy, the members of an international researcher team, discovered this new species of antelope. This new breed is very small in size and has a weight of around four to six kilograms. The name given to this new beast is Walter’s Duiker or Philantomba walteri which belongs to Duiker’s subfamily of antelopes. Its name is honor to Professor Walter Verheyen who collected its sample from a bushmeat market for the first time.  Walter duiker lives in central and west Africa where it is hunted usually for its meat and horns which are used as a food or ritual activities.

4. Raspy Cricket

The distinctive new type of cricket which has a bizarre behavior to surprise you is a raspy cricket. Crickets are mostly known for their destructive behavior towards plants but the new specie has completely opposite attributes, it is not only friendly for plants but it also acts as a pollinator. According to scientists, it is the first time when a cricket lends a helping hand to flowers in pollinating them. The scientist Sylvain Hugel who discovered the unique breed of cricket says that this insect belongs to a subfamily of cricket that is known for producing raspy sound. The new raspy cricket was found pollinating a rare orchid in Mascarene Archipelago, Indian Ocean.

3. Golden Spotted Monster Lizard

Golden spotted monster lizard is a human sized lizard which is discovered in Philippines. Its size is equal to a tall human being and has double penis and prefers to live in Northern Sierra Madre Forest, Luzon Island. The scientific name given to this golden spotted reptile is Varanus Bitatawa and belongs to Varanus genre of monster lizards. It has a length of 6.6 feet or 2 meters and has an average weight of 10 kilograms. It is bright colored specie with stripes of gold flecks. It has a blue-black body with pale green dots and its tail has black and green alternating segments.


2. Darwin’s Dark Spider

Darwin’s dark spiders are the new species of spiders that have the ability to weave largest webs that a single spider can make in the world. It is noticed that they can make up to 82 feet or 25 meters long web which is equivalent to large city buses. These spiders belong to Madagascar where their long-lasting webs span rivers, lakes and streams. The strength of their web silk is twice stronger than the silk of any other spider and ten times than Kevlar. The average toughness of its silk is measured 250 mega joules per cubic meter and 520 mega joules is the highest toughness measured so far which makes it the toughest biological material ever studied.

1. Louisiana Pancake Batfish

This pancake batfish was discovered just before the oil spill of Gulf of Mexico and is distributed only in the entire region of oil spill. It has a flat shape just like a pancake with spikes and hops on its fins and its eyes are huge and bulging. This specie is being the reason of curiosity among scientists for two reasons, one is its region of origination as it lives only in the affected area of gulf oil spill of 2010 which raises questions about its survival. The fish has another weird characteristic as it walks on its thick fins, no wonder awkwardly.

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